Saturday, August 14, 2010

HGUC 1/144 MS-21C Dra-C

This was my first project for this year. HGUC conversion of a grunt unit from 0083 stardust memory. Kits used was HGUC ZAKU-II for the body and HGUC ZAKU-II F2 for the arms only, everything else was scratchbuilt.


More pictures in my flickr account.

GN-XXX GN-000 Sefer Rasiel Form 2

This is my last year's work and thought of putting it here.
As we all know it's a "Furoku" from dengeki hobby last January and February 2009.
Out of the box, it is very plain with very minimal or close to no articulation. My objective was to give this kit an HG treatment. ^~^V

So here it is.





More pictures in my Flickr account.